In Store Shoe Fitting Analysis
Free with purchase
otherwise £20 charge applies
A basic video running analysis to help you choose the right shoe for your running gait.
No appointment required.
Premium Shoe Fit
Private Appointment (£65)
This 45 minute premier service is delivered 1-2-1 in our private run lab by our running technique and injury rehab specialist. Shoe fit offers a video running technique analysis and a dynamic 2D & 3D footscan to ensure your strengths, weaknesses and running goals are addressed while helping you choose the correct footwear.
45 minute 3D Running Analysis
Private Appointment (£90)
3D MotionMetrix uses infrared cameras and custom-built software to provide you with the most accurate assessment of your biomechanics currently available. It enables you to understand your running economy, stride performance, gait symmetry and joint loading. During this session our running technique specialist will work through your analysis with you and provide feedback for areas you can improve.
90 Minute 3D Running Analysis
Private Appointment (£160)
Your 90-minute session starts with a one-to-one consultation with Andy, our experienced running technique specialist, to identify your goals. The service will be tailored to your needs and includes a thorough 3D MotionMetrix technique analysis on our treadmill, a movement screen to help identify your strengths, weaknesses, instability or inflexibility.
You will leave the session with a detailed exercise program, focusing on the areas where you might need a little extra work. By the end of the session, you will have an in-depth understanding of areas you need to strengthen and the knowlegde to help you achieve your goals and reduce the risk of injury.